The Purpose of LINC-UP Missions
LINC-UP Missions is a 501 (C)(3) non-profit mission mobilizing agency registered in the state of Florida. LINC-UP is a member of the Fellowship of Baptist World Ministries, which is a group of Southern Baptist mission agencies not funded by the Cooperative Program of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). LINC-UP is, therefore, a global partner with the International Mission Board (IMB) of the SBC and serves in that capacity as “Connectors” for the IMB on behalf of an unreached people group in South America.
LINC-UP Missions exists for 3 Distinct Purposes
To mobilize
local churches in the U.S. for hands-on missions involvement. LINC-UP is NOT a mission-sending agency. We are a mission-mobilizing agency. We equip local churches to reach the unreached and facilitate a church planting strategy among these people groups with the mobilized churches.