Welcome to LINC-UP Missions

Linking International Needs to the Church’s Untapped Power

Mission Projects

LINC-UP Missions serves people groups in several locations throughout the world.  Learn more about specific projects and locations here.

Support LINC-UP Missions

LINC-UP depends upon your support to fund our projects.  Find out how you can support us today.

Mobilize Your Church

LINC-UP serves local churches in the Southeastern United States through mission partnerships with an unreached people group, short-term missions training and Chronological Bible Storying.  Click below to contact us about coming to your church for your missions event!

Support Linc-Up Missions today!

Your donations keep us going!

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New Book Available from LINC-UP Missions

Could the Gospel that we commonly proclaim in the US be labeled, “Made in America?”

Can the “Cultural Fence” encountered when we attempt to minister cross-culturally serve as a filter to help purify our Gospel presentation and return it to the powerful, supra-cultural Gospel of which the Apostle Paul was not ashamed? The answer to these and many other questions make Playing Both Sides of the Fence required reading for all who care to proclaim the Good News to the World.

Buy A Copy Now!

The Building Blocks of a Missions Strategy

Project Living Water

Sickness due to impure water is the #1 global health risk based on impact to society.  Through Project Living Water, LINC-UP teams gain access to otherwise closed, unreached villages. LINC-UP’s primary purpose is to reach these villages with the Gospel of Jesus Christ while providing pure water.


Houses Per Villages

US Dollars Per Filter

US Dollars To Supply Clean Drinking Water for the Entire Village

Project Living Water

A Word From Our Founder

Welcome to the online home of LINC-UP Missions!  LINC-UP is an acronym that stands for Linking International Needs with the Church’s Untapped Power.  We exist to plant churches among unreached people groups while mobilizing and equipping American churches for hands-on missions involvement where the Gospel is needed most.  Please take a few moments to familiarize yourself with our purpose and the resources we offer.  Feel free to Contact Us so that we can help you fulfill God’s purpose for you and your church family to reach the nations for His glory!

Meet the Rest of Our Team

Core Purposes


Mobilize your church family or mission team for frontline missions


Learn more about how LINC-UP can connect your church family with an unreached people group in a highly fruitful mission partnership.


Becoming involved with LINC-UP Missions will bear fruit among your neighbors and among the nations as your people are equipped with the timeless truths of the Gospel.


Click a Video to Watch